News Archive

14 September 2016

Two Whirlwind 1 lidars, installed on 8 April 2016 on a Siemens SWT-3.6-120 wind turbine in the offshore wind park RIFFGAT, were recovered after five months of successful operation.

The goal was to monitor meandering wake turbulences behind the rotor, a parameter of interest for a better understanding of wake effects in large wind farms, studied in the project GW Wakes at ForWind Center for Wind Energy Research.

Whirlwind 1 in Riffgat wind farm
Courtesy: Stephan Voss (ForWind),
with permission of OWP RIFFGAT.

15 August 2016

MOSES successfully recovered in the offshore wind park RIFFGAT. Deployed on 31 March for measuring air and seawater temperatures, it was the fourth buoy in a series.

MOSES buoys were operated since April 2014 for measuring time series of air and seawater temperature and atmospheric pressure in the offshore wind parks alpha ventus and RIFFGAT.

The goal was to measure air/water temperature gradients, a parameter of interest for heat flux modelling in the project GW Wakes at ForWind Center for Wind Energy Research.

Read more on the Hydrography and Environment Publications page.

Two Moses buoys
Two MOSES buoys on deck of RV Grinna. Left: Buoy recovered on 31 March 2016 after operation without failure since 14 December 2015. Right: Buoy with newly calibrated sensors, ready for deployment. Courtesy: RV Grinna, A. Bü
seawater temperature   air-seawater temp
Time series of seawater temperature (left) and air minus seawater temperature (right) in Aug - Oct 2015.
Data gaps are due to malfunctions of the remote receiver. Courtesy: Stephan Voss (ForWind)